May 25th, 2023

Next Generation Supply Chains for Cell & Gene Therapies and ATMPs

About 50 people took the chance to join our 4th Open X-CELLerator community event in Frankfurt, Germany. This time we discussed topics under the frame "Next Generation Supply Chains for Cell & Gene Therapies"

Everybody was full of energy & motivation and made great contributions during Q&A’s, breakout sessions and panel discussions. You could really feel that everybody still is fascinated about the potential of Cell & Gene therapies: We have the chance to cure people!

Our great speakers shared their experiences and opinions on current CGT challenges and discussed with our audience during Q&A and a panel sessions.
It was such a good feeling to welcome all of the participants in Frankfurt - thank you to everyone who made the 4th Open X-CELLerator community event so special!

Looking forward to the 5th event next year! 



8 Speakers

& industry experts

2 Group Sessions

Q&A and panel discussion

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